good intentions

I love reading about all the new challenges that  are being posted for the new year. I am oh so tempted.

A nephew came by the other day and helped me with Instagram. I guess I can post from the camera roll on my laptop,   I managed to get my first photo up. Talk about baby steps, at least it is progress.

I packed up the Christmas decorations.

I spend too much time on Netflix and reading posts about plans. In reality, I just like to dream.

So I have joined the 2018 Ready to wear Fast on Goodbye Valentino, Sara is hosting 1029 people in this challenge and it will give me incentive to post to Instagram.   I  am seriously considering the challenge from Bra Makers Supply as well. A new Challenge per month and the one for January is the colour of the year Ultra Violet.

Introducing ultra violet to my unmentionable drawer is a real  leap. but then I dream of that dye pot. Just maybe, I  can do it.

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