More crafts on board

The magazines to keep me dreaming of my next project. Sewing, dolls, altered art, journal for ideas, knitting book, another pattern for the socks and 2 novels. (One fairly good but both trashy for summer reading).

Sweetpea socks, I did the sock on the left while on the boat. I really needed knitting instructions with me, the fresh air had addled my brain, couldn’t even remember ssk, and m1 drove me crazy, plus my guage was off. At home I went to my usual size 2mm, much better, I still can’t count but I have now completed the 2nd pattern, it is easy, really. Isn’t the yarn from Heather pretty. When I was typing in the label, I wrote sweatpea, freudian slip, if my knitting had been correct with no ripping, I’d be done a sock by now.

The baby sweater has grown by a whole 2 rows while we were away.

I have completed the sleeves. I think, they haven’t been cast off, just in case. I decided to change the Best Friends sweater, the general shape will be the same but there will be too much weight pulling on the shoulders and neck. I am working on a moss stitch yoke.