And yet so far

Bad news. The sleeves are nowhere near the size of the armhole.  I haven’t taken out a tape measure but I think there is a 6 inch discrepancy. I am so ticked off that I haven’t even looked at it. I think I may have to knit the sleeves over.  Next step will be to pin the sides together and see how it fits me just over a blouse.  Then I will try the sleeves and do the same with them.

In the meantime, I will knit socks, and  sew.  I am not looking at that sweater for another week!

So close

My goodness, I hadn’t planned on a hiatus but nevertheless, I haven’t written anything for a long time.  A couple of years ago, I picked up this yarn Briggs and Little Regal, I think,  in Ontario, made a sweater  of my own design that was just OK and worn only once or twice. So this year I took it apart.

I thought I’d have a finished project by now but no, I don’t.  I started Miss BB by Bonnie Marie Burns, the link is in ravelry, in mid October and knit in the car, something new for me and I had gotten quite far along on the two sleeves.  I then did part of the fronts and then the back and then I worked on the fronts again. Sounds complex.  I think I have to have a ponder when I run into something new in the pattern. Some of the cabled areas, I started several times, something wasn’t quite right, sometimes  I thought they looked great until the next day. I didn’t fix every goof up! Two in particular became just my own little quirks to the pattern.   I think the pattern is well written, I think I skip words, make assumptions and then goof up.

Then a couple of days ago I was done, cast off even.


As I folded the shawl collar  into position, I once again discovered something. The cable was facing the wrong direction. Actually the wrong side was facing out.



So last night once again, I gave it a mighty try and it is now done.  It is blocking now, so it could possibly be finished this week.  Snow is on the mountain, looks like I will need it soon.
